Day 108: Should You Be Concerned With Your Citizen’s Wealth?

Day 108:  Should you be concerned with your citizen’s wealth?  Today we had a conversation with Ed Burghard, CEO of The Burghard Group,,  Ed is the best in the country when it comes to branding.  If you want to have a clearer definition of branding than visit his website.  We economic developers are lucky Ed has adopted us.  He wants to make branding more meaningful for place by implementing branding in the correct way.  But besides branding Ed has several points I will bring up in future postings but I think his main belief is the most important:  Do you as an economic development or chamber organization focus your attention on the resident?  On our homepage we provide a definition of economic development:  The business of economic development encompasses a broad range of strategies including business retention and attraction, entrepreneurship, workforce development and the attraction of talent, tourism, place branding and marketing, product development, and community planning to enhance the quality of place. The bottom line – to generate new wealth and growth.”   We at SSG and Mr. Burghard agree on the last sentence.  I don’t mean are you working the soup lines or providing micro loans (but those are good too).  Are you looking at the big picture and improving the lives of your residents?   Next:  How do I improve the lives of our residents?

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