Day 102: Do I Get Distracted?

Day 102:  Do I get distracted?  This might seem to be a strange post.  The purpose of my posts are to help you with your day to day activities.  I find myself distracted today, so I thought I should get busy and write to get me back on track.   With the advent of the internet it is so easy to get distracted.  The constant emails that come in.  All the great information on the web.  All of it can become a distraction,  I have been to countless seminars to help me get organized.  I even attended a seminar about keeping on top of you emails.  That was about two years ago and as of today I have about 12,000 emails in my inbox in my three different email accounts.  So,  I have bared one of my many faults.  Today, I start to get things organized again.  I am taking small bites every day at my disorganization.  I figure if I publicly announce it, I will most likely follow through.  That is the key, I think.  Find someone or go public with how you are going to become more organized (if you are disorganized) and then follow through.  I will keep you posted.  Today, I begin to clean out my inbox.  Next:  Have you asked someone how you are doing?

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