Day 114: Have You Talked to Your Local Businesses Lately?

Day 114:  Have you talked to your local businesses lately?  Obviously by the number of posts I write about this topic I feel it is very important.  So, while this post may not have anything earth shattering to share, I hope it is a reminder to contact your businesses NOW!  As you know your success is based on creating wealth in your community.  The simplest and least expensive way to do this is to take care of what you got.   When you go into a visit don’t go in with a preconceived notion about the company.  Before you make your visit you should know general information about the company:  what they make, how many employees, how long in the community, etc.  You should go in with a set of predetermined questions.  Synchronist will help you with these questions.  But the piece I want to recommend is that you must be really knowledgeable on demographics and workers programs before you make your visit.  As of this writing most major employers will tell you they can’t find enough workers with the skills they need.  So, I would go into the meeting with some background information on training programs, area wages and benefits survey, information showing what skills the workers do possess.  We have a great source for this information at  When you make these visits the business must feel you are adding value to their business.  Otherwise, it will be hard to set up another appointment, which you should be doing at least yearly.  But if you can come in with some useful information, the business owner/manager will be very impressed.  Next:  How does my community stand out?

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