Day 17: What marketing materials do I need? I could write a book about this topic. I probably will discuss this point on many other days. The questions we get asked a lot by our clients, is printed or not printed. We say both. We don’t say it because we are trying to be wishy washy. You must use online marketing. As I will mention many times, you must spend a lot of time on your website. It is the front door to your community. I heard Bob Ady say many times in recent years, that it used to be he didn’t consider a community if they didn’t have a land site. Now, he said (God rest his soul) I won’t consider your community if you don’t have a website. I will spend more time on the website too. Certainly you should have a great online newsletter that is sent out in some frequency. You should also have a flash drive that you can hand out that has documents and video showing off your community on the flash drive.
We also feel you should have a printed piece. Something you can mail or leave with a company talking about the great things happening in your community or region. We will get into marketing campaigns in a later date. But you definitely need a piece both online and in print that highlights your economic development activities. Next: Do I need research?
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