Day 62: Do I need a cash fund? Last week I attended and economic development conference. One of the sessions was about incentives. One of the presenters was a local economic developer. He told the group about the “closing fund” that their community has. It is a multi million dollar fund. In the last year they have had several successes. They have used the money to purchase a building for a company. They have used to pay equipment moving expenses, etc. But the important piece is they have a pretty strong claw back in place. If the company does not meet a job number after x number of years they will all or some portion of the cash they received. This is a competitive industry. If your community does not have a cash fund, you will probably lose a few projects. It is up to your organization to have a cash fund. If you can raise the money for such a fund, do it. Next: Should I care who my competition is?
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